You may have noticed that many credit card companies charge an annual fee. If you are someone who uses the credit card a lot, then you may earn more than the annual fee in rewards and cashback. However, if you use the credit card only sparingly, then you may end up paying for the annual fee out of your pocket without getting any significant benefit.
Even if you do use the credit cards, enough, the annual fee is still eating into your rewards. Did you know that there are many credit cards with no annual fee that still offer many rewards and perks? Here are the best credit cards with no annual fee that you should consider.
The HSBC Visa Platinum Credit Card is the best credit card in the market with no annual fee or joining fee. It offers excellent rewards for those who like to dine out or shop online. You can apply for the card if you are above 18 years of age and have an annual income over INR 4 lakhs. Here are some of the features that make it stand out.
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The IndusInd Bank Platinum Card is perfect for those who like to live and travel in style and appreciate the finer things in life. Although there is no annual fee on the card, you do have to pay the one-time joining fee of INR 3,000 if you are not applying with the help of a third-party source. The credit card offers excellent rewards, and here are some of its features.
If you love shopping on Amazon, then this card is a must-have. With no joining or annual fee, the card offers excellent cashback offers when you shop on Amazon. Here are some of its benefits.
The YES Bank Prosperity Reward Plus offers excellent benefits for grocery and supermarket spends. You can apply for this credit card if you are above 21 years of age and have a monthly income of at least INR 25,000. You are also eligible for the card if you have a fixed deposit in YES Bank. Here are some of its features.
If you are looking to get your first-ever credit card, then the Axis Insta Easy Credit Card is an ideal choice. If this is your first credit card or you do not have a credit history, you can use this card to build a good CIBIL score. If you do not know how to check CIBIL score, a simple Google search will guide you on the appropriate steps.
If you are someone who uses their credit card only sparingly, then the ICICI Bank Platinum Chip Credit Card is ideal for your needs. You can use it to build your credit score without spending a dime on joining or annual fee. Apart from zero joining and annual fee, you also get the following benefits.
With the wide variety of credit cards in the market, you can easily find one that is tailor-made for your needs. The credit cards with zero annual fees are ideal as the first credit card as they let you explore the various ways of using it without losing money on revival fee.
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